Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!
Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!

Brave Parents Academy - Get the entire course, plus bonuses!

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"I have been SEARCHING FOR THESE ANSWERS FOR YEARS! I finally know what to say to my daughter about beauty, clothes and make-up."

Raise a 'ready-for-anything' girl who believes in herself

A quick and easy — yet powerful and proven — framework to prevent the lack of self-belief, anxiety, poor body image and buckets of tears that so many girls struggle with in today's society.

Raising Girls Who Like Themselves

From the bestselling authors of Raising Girls Who Like Themselves

If you’re worried about your daughter growing up in today's society...

If you're looking at the horrifying stats about girls' mental health, self-esteem, social media and bullying and want to stop the problems before they even start...

If you grew up not liking yourself very much and want better for your daughter...

You already know that you need to be brave enough to try a different parenting approach. 

You are so committed to being a great parent that you'd do practically anything to raise your daughter to be joyful, optimistic and resilient. But you've looked around at all the parenting advice out there and realised that it's not really working. If it was, then the wellbeing of girls should be getting better.

By almost every measure, the wellbeing of girls is getting worse.

The Brave Parents Academy is for parents, carers, teachers and grandparents who are willing to commit one hour a week for seven weeks to learn how to build a solid foundation for their girl so that she can withstand anything life throws at her and thrive. 

Every technique in the Brave Parents Academy is backed by research.

Our framework is based on the highest quality evidence and is easy to implement within our busy, messy, complicated lives. 

Kasey Edwards and Dr Christopher Scanlon

By the end of this program, you will … 

  • Understand why girls often care too much about what other people think, and how to prevent it.

    Research shows that by the age of 10 many girls are crippled by concerns about what other people think. The Brave Parents Academy will show you exactly what you need to do to teach your girl to believe in herself. 

  • Know a major cause of anxiety that is often overlooked and how to mitigate it.

    Sadly what we have been told is "good parenting" in today's society is making girls' anxiety worse, not better. The Brave Parents Academy will show you how to crush the anxiety before it even starts. 

  • Learn one rule that will bring crystal clarity to every little question about hair, make-up and what you should let your daughter wear.

    No more doubting your parenting, because you will know for certain that each decision is the right one. 

  • Put an end to friendship dramas and tears.

    You will learn kid-friendly techniques that are proven to strengthen your daughter's friendships and reduce the likelihood and the severity of bullying

  • Build real body confidence in your daughter.

    Alarmingly, much of the advice about girls and body image is flat out wrong. It's actually part of the problem! Learn how to talk about food, exercise, weight and appearance so that your daughter grows up feeling good and empowered about her body.  


Success story...

My 12 year old daughter tends to lean towards a negative state of being. 'School is going to be terrible', 'I’m not smart enough for maths', the list goes on.

So after watching the Power Perspective Module in Brave Parents Academy, I decided it was something we were going to consciously talk about and work to change.

We sat and talked and I got a lot of 'yeah mum I know', and more than one eye rolls. In short, I didn’t think she listened to a single word.

I decided to leave it and come back at another time.

Before I had a chance to do that, I received a message from my daughter's teacher.

Her teacher couldn’t believe her positive, can do, 'I’ll give it a try' attitude.

My daughter even said the words 'I’m choosing to have a good year this year' which is what I had learned from your module! 

I too was astounded a single conversation, that I didn’t think had gone particularly well, was providing a positive change in behaviour and attitude in a very short space of time.

Now when her thoughts linger too long in a negative space, I remind her she has the power to choose. 

Thank you Kasey and Chris for this wonderful gift. 

Vicky, mother of Olivia (12 yrs)


What's inside the Brave Parents Academy

Module 1

Power Perspective

Two girls can be faced with exactly the same difficult situation yet one girl will push through and thrive and the other girl will be crushed by it. Very often the difference is not about the girls' capabilities, it's about their perspective. The first girl has been taught to think in a way that works for her (a power perspective), the other has not.  

Absolutely everything in life becomes easier and more joyful when your daughter has learned the essential foundation stone of Power Perspective.

Module Highlights:

  • Simple and easy everyday moments to build your daughter's power perspective.
  • Common parenting mistakes that rob girls of their confidence and teach them to believe they are weak and never good enough. 
  • How to teach your daughter to trust herself and be resilient to criticism and bullying.
Module 2

Body Confidence

Girls are not born hating their bodies but as they grow up many of them sadly will. The epidemic of body hatred can cause insecurity and self-loathing, life-threatening eating disorders and cosmetic surgery, damage girls' and women's relationships, and suck the joy out of life. Alarmingly, much of the advice that parents are given about body image is making the problem even worse. This module will show you exactly what you need to do to build real and lasting body confidence.

Module Highlights:

  • Understanding what is "real" body confidence and how to build it within your daughter.
  • How to prevent your daughter from being obsessed with weight and what to do if you think your daughter is above her natural weight.
  • Get clarity on how to talk about food and exercise to empower your daughter and avoid life-long hang-ups and anxiety. 
Module 3

Body Ownership

In today's society we like to think we teach girls that they own their bodies, but in many cases they are actually learning the opposite. Research shows that girls are grossly underprepared to withstand the influence of the beauty and cosmetic surgery industries, pressures from social media, and unwanted sexual requests later in life. We need to teach our girls the skills of body ownership within the safe environment of our homes before they are confronted with the toxic and dangerous pressures from the outside world.

Module Highlights:

  • How to gently teach your daughter body ownership skills now that will keep her safe later when you are not there to protect her.
  • One simple rule that will bring crystal clarity to every decision you have to make about your daughter's clothes, hair, earrings, and make-up.
  • What to tell your daughter about your own use of make-up and dressing up without teaching her to be superficial.
Module 4


Parents have been sold a lie that they need to cram as many skills and experiences into their daughters as quickly as possible. This is resulting in stressed-out, anxious and unhappy children — and parents! Ironically, this often leads to children learning less, not more. This module will help you create the right conditions for your girl to have a joyful, creative and enriching childhood, and create the essential foundation stone of calm that she needs to learn, thrive and find her purpose. It's also going to make your life calmer too!

PS: By calm we don't mean girls must be quiet, zen and obedient. Our girls are just as likely to do an ill-timed cartwheel down the supermarket aisle or use their outside voices inside as any other kids!

Module Highlights:

  • The link between calm and good mental health, learning, creativity, and happiness and how to instil it.
  • What the research actually says about screen time and homework. This one is going to make your life so much easier!
  • Find out if your daughter is getting enough sleep and what to do if she's not. 
Module 5

Mastery and Independence

Contrary to popular belief, we can't give our daughters self-esteem simply by telling them over and over again how great they are. In fact, constantly telling our girls how awesome they are can make them even more insecure! Real and enduring self-esteem blooms from within your daughter, and you can create the right conditions for this by supporting her in developing her mastery and independence.

Module Highlights:

  • Succeeding is a skill. Learn how to teach this skill to your daughter. 
  • Discover how to teach your daughter to "fail well" rather than to fear failure.
  • Find out how to use praise the right way, so that it empowers your daughter rather than creating the conditions for her to become an insecure praise junkie.
Module 6

Strong Relationships

Friendship problems are a major factor in many girls' lives, affecting not only their mental health and wellbeing but also their learning. Your daughter will not be concentrating on division and multiplication if she had a fight with a friend at lunchtime that she doesn't have the skills to handle. This module is about getting ahead of the problems, helping you support your daughter in learning how to choose friend who are good for her, how to resolve conflict in productive ways and how to reduce the severity and likelihood of bullying.

Module Highlights:

  • Discover how to teach your daughter essential social skills and friendship skills so she can thrive in any situation.
  • A step-by-step guide for resolving conflict and standing up to bullies.
  • Find out a quick and easy hack to deepen your daughter's connection with you.
Module 7


This module is about helping your daughter grow into the best version of the person she chooses to be, so that she doesn't succumb to the pressures of peers, advertisers and other people in authority who don't have her best interest at heart. 

Module Highlights:

  • Find and develop your daughter's strengths and spark.
  • How to use tantrums as powerful teachable moments.
  • Develop your daughter's kindness and empathy without tuning her into a people pleaser. 


When you enrol now you’ll get:

Brave Parents Academy
(A $5000 Value)

  • 7 Modules

    Giving you a framework based on studies, to raise a 'ready-for-anything' girl who likes herself and believes in herself. 

  • Crystal clarity and more confidence in your parenting decisions

    Knowing that each decision is helping to build the 7 essential foundation stones your daughter needs to be resilient, optimistic and joyful.
  • Stop the problems before they start or get out of hand

    By building a solid foundation proven to reduce the likelihood and severity of anxiety, depression, poor body image, fear of failure, lack of confidence, friendship problems and bullying. 
  • End the cycle of insecurity and self-loathing in girls and women

    By raising your daughter to feel like she is good enough.
  • Give your daughter the tools to make her dreams come true 

    Because absolutely everything you hope and dream for your daughter is built upon the 7 foundation stones you'll learn inside the Brave Parents Academy.

Plus these bonuses to help you raise your daughter to thrive...

Q&As with Kasey and Chris for 6 months

Get answers to your questions about how the Brave Parents Academy framework can work for your daughter and family. 

(A $ 600 Value)

What you'll get:
  • Email any question you have and receive a personalised video from Kasey and Chris.
  • 6 months access.
Bonus 2

7 bang-for-buck hacks for dads (and other important adults)

This short video is for dads (or other important adults) who don't have time to complete our entire Brave Parents Academy Course. 

What you'll get:

  • Quick, easy, yet powerful and evidence-based hacks for time-poor parents and carers.
  • Align your approach with your parenting partner for maximum effectiveness.
  • A PDF download of the 7 hacks for easy access.

Bonus 3

Brave Parents Academy Audio Download

Listen to the Brave Parents Academy in the car, on the treadmill or while you walk.

(A $ 250 Value)

What you'll get:
  • All 7 modules of the Brave Parents Academy produced as an audio download for easy access and recapping your favourite parts.
  • Share the audio downloads with your parenting partner, grandparents, and other important adults so that all the people in your daughter's life understand how to build the 7 essential foundation stones she needs to grow up liking herself.
  • Lifetime access.
Bonus 4 


A fun and educational activity ebook to build and reinforce your daughter's 7 Essential Foundation Stones. 

What you'll get:
  • Kid-friendly activities to spark curiosity, understanding and conversations.
  • ebook, print from home.


The Academy Seal of Quality

The Brave Parents Academy is a one-of-a-kind program that has been designed specifically for busy parents who want the best for their daughter.

We know without a doubt that this program will give you the tools and the confidence to raise your girl to like herself.

We're so confident in your success that if you have not had multiple "aha" moments and have more clarity in your parenting decisions within the first 14 days (i.e. after you complete the SECOND module), just let us know and we'll refund you IN FULL!

Simply reach out to us directly at after you have watched the videos in module one and two and we'll refund your investment. That means ZERO risk for you!


Still thinking about it?

Brave Parents Academy is PERFECT for you if… 

  1. If you've read the horrifying statistics about the challenges girls face today and you want to stop the problems before they even start.

  2. If you're starting worrying that your daughter is not as confident, resilient, optimistic and joyful as you'd hoped and you want to reverse this behaviour and belief patterns.

  3. If your daughter is regularly coming home in tears, is obsessed about what other people think, or has fears and worries that are out of proportion and you want a proven approach to fix this.  

  4.  If you grew up not liking yourself very much and never feeling good enough and you want better for your daughter.

  5. You are brave enough to look critically at how girls are often raised in today's society and make the necessary tweaks so your daughter can thrive in a world that is crushing so many of her peers. If you are prepared to invest one hour per week for 7 weeks to learn how to build and strengthen the 7 essential foundation stones your daughter absolutely needs to believe in herself and reach her potential. 

What parents are saying... 

💜 Specific advice for your girl and your family

"I am so very appreciative of your reply, I wasn’t expecting it. I have read it about 10 times already. The tailored advice you have given me is honestly invaluable. I feel SO much better. Thanks for your encouragement and picking me up when I was down."

"Thank you so much for your amazing response. It brings tears to my eyes."

💜 Guilt-free and evidence-based

"This has been an eye opener without making me feel bad about my parenting. I’m already speaking to my daughter differently because of the beautifully-delivered, evidence based content. What a breath of fresh air!"

💜 Give your girl what you wish you had

"I wish I had been raised this way. You have taught me so much about myself and I am very grateful. Now I can give my own girls the confidence that I never had." 

"Even though I had great family support growing up, I wish I’d learnt more of these strategies as a child."

💜 Hope and reassurance

"A million times thank you! It’s been so nice sharing snippets of your advice with my husband both in a way of helping us navigate our challenging 8 year old daughter but also letting us know that our experiences are normal and in turn - so is she."

"Just wanted to share a win from Module 3 that had me hooting this evening to the night sky. Thank you so much for taking on this subject in a way that made it easy and powerful for both my daughter and I."

💜 Stop the friendship drama tears

"Thank you so much!!! My daughter used to come home in tears almost every day because she was being bullied at school. I taught her your techniques and the bullying stopped in just two days!!! I can barely believe it. I feel like I've got my happy little girl back!" 

"I wish my mother had taught me how to stand up for myself when I was at school." 

"Now I know what to say when I see my daughter struggle with friendship. I used to worry I'd say the wrong thing. You've given me so much confidence." Louise, mother of 4 year old girl.

💜 Getting over a fear of failure

"Just sharing because I think it’s nice to see all your hard work shine through families. Since our last emails my girl who refused to try anything new or hard has received 2 certificates of Academic Excellence.

💜 Help with tricky conversations

"I now have the language and the right attitude. No shame, no guilt, no weird stuff - just empowerment and ownership. What a different life I am already creating with my daughters."

Give your daughter the gift of inner-strength.

“Inner strength, authenticity and self-love are the greatest gifts a girl can possess. The tools and insights in this program will help parents to give these gifts to their daughters.”

Dr Lea Waters, Order of Australia recipient, psychologist, leading expert on Positive Education and Strength-Based Parenting.

We can’t wait for you to join Brave Parents Academy

After the birth of our first daughter Violet I remember holding my precious baby girl in my arms, worrying how I was going to be the mother she needed me to be, so that she would grow up liking herself more than I did when I was growing up. 

Chris and I spent 10 years researching and interviewing the world’s leading experts in childhood development, psychology and education to discover a proven and practical parenting approach. 

I can tell you that my self-doubts and worries as a parent faded away. I now have a set of principles that are rock solid, making me confident that my parenting decisions are the right ones. 

Every day I watch as that precious little baby girl from 12 years ago grows into the self-confident, resilient and optimistic young woman I always hoped and dreamed she would be. 

Raising a resilient, confident girl who believes in herself is easier than most people think and Chris and I want to share this knowledge with you and other brave parents to end this awful cycle of insecurity and self-loathing in girls.

Joining Brave Parents Academy is 100% risk free, so we hope to see you on the inside so that you too will have the power and knowledge to raise your daughter to be a ‘ready-for-anything’ girl who likes herself. 

Kasey and Chris